Osiris Book I av Ingrid Illia Haugerud (Ebok)

Osiris Book I (Ebok)

in conversations with Illia


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2024
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Books on demand
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Osiris bok I
ISBN/EAN: 9788284511399
Omtale Osiris Book I
Osiris landed with a UFO in the desert of Egypt 8000 years ago. He came from the planet Sirius to help the people back into their hearts and one with their soul.
In order to survive in our atmosphere, he created the Cheops pyramid with the help of the Siriusians.
He now shares his wisdom from Sirius with us in this book, and later "Osiris Book II" and "Osiris Book III".
These are important books, says Osiris, which the people need in order to save the world and humanity.

Osiris says:

Come now, all of you who need
help moving forward.
Come now you who need to grow
and become more than the ego in your head.

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