Berlin av Svein Olav Kolset (Ebok)

Berlin (Ebok)

off track


Svein Olav Kolset (Oversetter)

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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2024
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Kolset kommunikasjon
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Berlin
Oversatt av: Kolset, Svein Olav
ISBN/EAN: 9788283283136
Kategori: Reise og Dokumentar og fakta
Omtale Berlin
What is it about Berlin? The city of magnificent and brutal history, culture, art, architecture, rawness, beauty - and not least: humanity. In war and peace. Always Berlin. Berlin can give you everything. This book takes you a little, but only a little, off the tourist track and shows you sides of the city that challenge, surprise, offer resistance - and not least - joy. Borrow a bike or take the U-bahn or bus to these 50 places selected by the author. Most in central Berlin. You can learn about big and small events and people, political events, industrial history and graffiti. Use the book and find your own. The author is a Norwegian professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of Oslo. He has previously published a book about his son who has CHARGE syndrome, “En exceptional fellow – a father’s story and two nutrition textbooks in Norwegian. He has a flat and a bike in Berlin, his favourite city.

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