Theatre and Democracy av Petro Janse Van Vuuren, Bjørn Rasmussen og Ayanda Khala (Open Access)
Open Access

Theatre and Democracy (Open Access)

Building Democracy in Post-war and Post-democratic Contexts


, og

Forfatter: , og
Innbinding: Open Access
Utgivelsesår: 2021
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: PDF
Forlag: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788202711825
Kategori: Foto og film
Filformater: PDF
Lisenstype: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Fagfellevurdert: Ja
Nivå: Akademisk
Omtale Theatre and Democracy

Theatre and Democracy: Building Democracy in Post-war and Post-democratic Contexts is the outcome of a longstanding collaboration between two centers of applied theatre education and research in South-Africa and Norway, respectively (2017–2022). It presents knowledge, critical conversations and artistic work related to issues of democracy, both historical and contemporary. Within the global framework of our current (post)democracies, thirteen chapters contain stories and analyses from artists and researchers who all study, understand and facilitate theatre as a political-performative medium in dealing with community-specific democratic issues. The reader encounters studies and reports from specific cases of applied theatre, community culture development and performance activism in countries such as South-Africa, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and Norway. There is a common interest in theatre as a platform for active citizenry, as well as several attempts to explore theatre as a platform for “political subjectivation” (Rancière).

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Theatre and Democracy
Engelsk Heftet 2021