The Hogwarts library collection av J.K. Rowling (Ebok)

The Hogwarts library collection (Ebok)

Serie: Hogwarts Library 1-3


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Innbinding: Ebok
Utgivelsesår: 2017
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: EPUB
Forlag: Pottermore from J.K. Rowling
Språk: Engelsk
Serie: Hogwarts Library
Serienummer: 1-3
ISBN/EAN: 9781781109236
Alder: 9 - 12
Omtale The Hogwarts library collection
The Hogwarts Library Collection brings together three much loved classics from the wizarding world - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Quidditch Through the Ages and The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Here you can learn about all ten breeds of dragon, how to avoid quaffle-pocking when playing Quidditch and why Babbitty Rabbity's stump ended up cackling. These treasures from the Hogwarts Library will deepen your knowledge of the wizarding world's favourite animals, sport and stories. Comic Relief, operating name Charity Projects, is a registered charity in the UK with charity nos. 326568 (England/Wales) and SC039730 (Scotland). Lumos Foundation is a registered charity in the UK with no. 1112575 (England/Wales) and in the USA (EIN 47-2301085). Both organisations work across the UK and globally helping children and young people have a better life. 15% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from the Fantastic Beasts and the Quidditch Through the Ages eBooks will be made available to the charities and will be shared 20% for Comic Relief and 80% for Lumos Foundation. At least 90% of the proceeds* received by Pottermore Limited from the Beedle the Bard eBook will be made available by the publisher to Lumos Foundation. *Proceeds means the cash-price or cash-equivalent price less sales taxes.

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