The Bottle Imp av Robert Louis Stevenson (Nedlastbar lydbok)

The Bottle Imp (Nedlastbar lydbok)

Serie: Robert L. Stevenson Short stories 7


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Innbinding: Nedlastbar lydbok
Utgivelsesår: 2012
Innleser: Saul, Christopher
Spilletid: 1:24
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: MP3
Forlag: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: The Bottle Imp
Serie: Robert L. Stevenson Short stories
Serienummer: 7
ISBN/EAN: 9788202389369
Kategori: Lydbok
Omtale The Bottle Imp

"The Bottle Imp" (1891) is a short story first published in the New York Herald, 1891. The story is about Keawe, a working class native of Hawaii, who buys a strange bottle from a sad, elderly gentleman.

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