Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC - AD 1250 av Ingrid Ystgaard (Open Access)
Open Access

Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC - AD 1250 (Open Access)

Archaeological Excavations at Vik, Ørland Main Air Base


Innbinding: Open Access
Utgivelsesår: 2019
Kopibeskyttelse: Ingen DRM
Filformat: PDF
Forlag: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Språk: Engelsk
ISBN/EAN: 9788202595319
Filformater: PDF
Lisenstype: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Fagfellevurdert: Ja
Fag: Arkeologi
Nivå: Akademisk
Omtale Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC - AD 1250

During the Late Bronze Age, the Iron Age and early medieval period (c. 600 BC–AD 1250) settlement at Vik in the Ørland peninsula emerged, flourished, vanished and emerged anew. Local landscape and vegetation development, cross-regional cultural developments and global climatic events were of great significance to the farmer-fisher communities at Vik throughout these periods.

In this book, results from the 2014–2016 archaeological excavations at Ørland main air base have been refined and developed. The 13 papers deal with landscape, vegetation and environmental aspects related to the excavated settlement, as well as the spatial and social organization of the built environment. Building traditions, disposal practices, the form and representation of everyday objects, subsistence and landscape use are central to the discussions.

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