A Confession Found in a Prison av Charles Dickens (Nedlastbar lydbok)

A Confession Found in a Prison (Nedlastbar lydbok)

Serie: Charles Dickens Short stories 2


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Innbinding: Nedlastbar lydbok
Utgivelsesår: 2012
Innleser: Cartwright, Jon
Spilletid: 0:16
Kopibeskyttelse: Vannmerket
Filformat: MP3
Forlag: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: A Confession Found In A Prison
Serie: Charles Dickens Short stories
Serienummer: 2
ISBN/EAN: 9788202391058
Kategori: Grøsser og Lydbok
Omtale A Confession Found in a Prison

"I held a lieutenant's commission in his Majesty's army, and served abroad in the campaigns of 1677 and 1678. The treaty of Nimeguen being concluded, I returned home, and retiring from servicde, withdrew to a small estate lying a few miles east of London, which I had recently acquired in right of my wife. This is the last night I have to live, and I will set down the naked truth without disguise."

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